Flipboard connects publishers and creators to audiences around the world eager to engage with quality journalism and share stories that inspire them. Publishers looking to reach new audiences grow their traffic and diversify their traffic sources should look to Flipboard. In recent years Flipboard has re-emerged as a viable platform for publishers to share their content, reach new audiences, and lend their voice to larger conversations on key and trending topics. By curating Magazine and Storyboards, you can reach new audiences that are passionate about the topics you cover. 

Publishers in the SHE Media Collective who have invested time into creating and curating a robust presence on Flipboard have seen an increase in referral traffic from the platform to their sites. 

Apply to Flipboard Here

Flipboard & The Fediverse

In addition to the benefits of reaching new audiences on Flipboard, you can also be a part of the Fediverse. The Fediverse is a network of open-source social networks, like Mastodon, Threads, and now Flipboard, that are in one interconnected yet independent universe. When you are part of the Fediverse it doesn’t matter which platform you share on; your posts get distributed to the whole ecosystem. 

The Fediverse is estimated to grow to 170 million users by the end of 2024. Currently, Flipboard publishers can federate their accounts, which will make their content available to the Fediverse. This means increased reach and engagement for your content.

Though still in beta, Flipboard is gradually opening up the Fediverse to publisher accounts that are actively curating on Flipboard. You can apply to be federated here.

Resources on the Fediverse:

VIDEO Watch this video featuring Flipboard CEO Mike McCue and Senior Lifestyle Editor Aileen Lalor as they talk about the future of the Fediverse Where the Media Goes From Here: What is the Social Web?

BLOG If you don’t have time to watch the recording, “A Guide to Flipboard Federation for Publishers” was published earlier this year and contains many key details in a more succinct fashion.

FORM Apply via this form to be federated via Flipboard


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